Accreditations & Rankings

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Accreditations & Rankings is the process by which educational institutions, regardless of levels, are recognized for their performance, quality and integrity impact. This achievement entitles them to the confidence of both the educational community and the public, through which they can use as motivation to continuously thrive and improve.

Accreditations: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) is accredited by the Minister of Educationa and Training (MoET) and is an associate member of Asean University Network (AUN). Within the University, several of its programs, of all academic levels, are also certified by various accrediting associations, including FIBAA, AUN-QA, etc., for their outstanding and immaculate programs offered to the UEH community
AUN-QA Network is established as the ASEAN quality assurance network in higher education with the responsibility to promote quality assurance in higher education institutions, raise the quality of higher education, and collaborate with both regional and international bodies for the benefit of the ASEAN community.
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City has successfully obtained accreditations from AUN QA on both program and institutional levels.

FIBAA is a European, internationally-oriented agency for quality assurance and quality development in higher education, whose disciplinary focus is on management studies, law, social sciences and economics. 

MOET is a government entity responsible for the governance of general/academic education and higher education (training) in Vietnam. The standards under this accreditation strives to ensure proper functioning and operation in all educational institutes across levels and disciplines 


Rankings: As a research-oriented institution, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) is one of 14 key universities in Vietnam that is proud to offer a diverse range of curriculum to its highly talented and competitive student body across all academic levels, from Bachelor's to PhDs, in a multi-disciplinary manner including economics, laws, international business, etc. At UEH, we aim to foster a conducive environment that encourages collaborative research efforts, not just within Vietnam but worldwide in an attempt to gain further recognition from our fellow peers.

The QS ranking is viewed as one of the three most-widely read university rankings in the world, focusing on 11 indicators that would assess the competitive edge of any university worldwide. In 2021, UEH debut in the Top 601+ best universities, among nearly 700 reputable institutions within Asia

Eduniversal is a global ranking and rating agency specializing in higher education, whose mission is to provide the tools and expertise as well as an in depth view on global academic expertise to all stakeholders of higher education, helping them navigate the best global educational opportunities and make the right personal choices, from selecting an academic institution to choosing a career.

U-Multirank is a multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. Our web tool enables comparisons at the level of the university as a whole and at the level of specific study programmes, according to 5 dimensions of university activity: (1) teaching and learning, (2) research, (3) knowledge transfer, (4) international orientation and (5) regional engagement.

Webometrics is a ranking system for the world's universities based on a composite indicator that takes into account both the volume of the Web content (number of web pages and files) and the visibility and impact of these web publications according to the number of external inlinks (site citations) they received.